Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Welcome to the Movie Quote Game!!!

As frequently as is fun for me, I will post a movie quote and you can guess the movie. Your reward is knowing that you were the first to correctly guess the movie. Lord it over your friends as you see fit. If no one seems to know the answer, I'll post a hint. Bonus points if you can tell me who said it or the context of the quote.

The only rules are: may not look up the quote-- you have to guess! and 2. I will only quote movies I've seen. (for some that could help, for others it will be of no help).

Today's Movie Quote:
Go that way, really fast; if something gets in your way . . . turn.


Scarlet Panda said...

Best movie ever--Better Off Dead. This is Charles De Mar's coaching to Lane (John Cusack) when he's about to ski the dangerous K-12.

Fishfrog said...

Superman 3?