Tuesday, November 08, 2005

TV...the stuff of dreams....

TV brings me much delight, and sometimes it brings me something to dream about. When I was a child, if I could not get to sleep I would draw an imaginary TV (complete with dials) in the air, and I would "flip" stations until I found a show I wanted to watch. I would then watch the imaginary TV until I fell asleep. It was way cooler than counting stupid sheep.

This blog post brought to you by "TV Tuesdays"


Squishy Burrito said...

Give it up for GILMORE GIRLS!!!

Fishfrog said...

Ms. Fuzzy, I believe you should see a therapist. But seriously, how is it that you don't have cable?
Also, do you draw those pictures on the computer or do you draw them by hand and scan them?

Amanda G. said...

Gilmore Girls!! They rock.

Teddo- I will not deny that I miss the wonderful world of cable, but my not having cable is made possible by the wonder of TiVo. TiVo knows my likes and dislikes and records shows accordingly. I am never out of supply of Arrested Development or Ellen, so my need for cable is almost non-existant.

Amanda G. said...

I draw and scan. How would I draw on the computer?

Fishfrog said...

There are certain programs that allow one to draw pictures on a computer. Paintbrush is one that comes pre-installed on almost all computers. But regardless, your pictures are very good and they spice up your blog.

Anonymous said...

I am an expert paint user, and I don't believe you could acheive such a high quality picture with such a program