Wednesday, November 02, 2005

David Lynch

In a coment on an earlier post, FishFrog said "David Lynch doesn't strike me as the friendly type." This is my response.

I was introduced to the world of David Lynch through the wonderful show Twin Peaks. This was a David Lynch and Mark Frost creation, and it took viewers to a small sleepy town that was filled with secrets. The characters were kooky and the melodrama was purposeful. It is a great show and each year in the Snoqualmie Valley a
Twin Peaks Festival is held. I've gotten to go the last two years in a row and it is awesome. Former stars from the show come out, and both years I've attended, David Lynch's daughter, Jennifer Lynch, has come. Everyone there speaks with such fondness for Mr. Lynch and all the stories I have heard have left me with an impression that he is brilliant and almost childlike in his delight.

My favorite Lynch creations include aforementioned Twin Peaks (TV), Elephant Man, Straight Story, and Erasurehead.

Many people find Lynch's work to be too dark or too confusing to be enjoyable. I myself must admit that am less fond what could be considered his darker work, but his use of imagery and atomoshphere provides viewers with an experience, not just a story. To enjoy it, you have let go the idea that you can find every last hidden meaning or catch every bit of symbolism. David Lynch tells a different kind of story, one that can not be summed up in 50 words or less, and I think that is pretty cool.

I leave you with a David Lynch Quote I got from
The City Of Abusurdity:

"You may say that people look for meaning in everything, but they don't. They've got life going on around them, but they don't look for meaning there. They look for meaning when they go to a movie. I don't know why people expect art to make sense when they accept the fact that life doesn't make sense." David Lynch


Fishfrog said...

Sounds like a jerk.

Matt said...

The weird movies I like to watch cos they often make a weird sort of meta-sense, but their plots don't really follow a normal thread. It's sort of like seeing a normal movie after it's been through the blender, and the atmosphere goes a long way to making me happy.