Monday, November 28, 2005

The Mushroom Epiphany

Recently, Panda and I made roasted vegetables to go with dinner, and as always this recipe called for mushrooms. In a Freaky Friday moment, Panda suggested we stray from the recipe and skip the mushrooms while I insisted we stick to the rules. Frankly, her devil may care attitude shocked me! In another unprecedented move, I overpowered Panda and the mushrooms went in the pan. Then the most interesting thing happened – I ate a mushroom and liked it. I even went back to the pan to get more mushrooms. This can only mean one thing - I like mushrooms!

I realize this may not sound that exciting, but I have always hated mushrooms that were not fried and dunked in marinara sauce. This realization opens up a whole new world to me - mushroom burgers! roasted mushrooms! mushroom stirfry! There are two instances that mushrooms are still unacceptable: on pizza and in salad. On this I cannot be swayed.


Squishy Burrito said...

Oh how brave you are. I hate mushrooms too. But I refuse to be tricked into putting them into anything.

Mushroom, your name is not sacred in my household.

Scarlet Panda said...

Blech. Last night, warmfuzzy made spaghetti for us (which was very nice of her), but after a few bites I noticed that there were MUSHROOMS in my sauce. Disgusting!

Fishfrog said...

Mushrooms are very good. I had the epiphany about four years ago. I will even eat them on pizza.