Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I Got Nothin'

I need a topic idea for a paper I'm writing. To be more accurate, I need topic ideas for a paper I should have started a week ago. One of my classes this semester is "contemporary educational issues," and we need to write a position paper on a topic facing education today. Most of my class is either doing No Child Left Behind/Standerdized Testing or inclusion. I want to do neither of those things. Unfortunately, I do not have anything that I want to do. This is suprising since I normally have a position on everything wheter I'm well schooled in the topic or not. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment.

Some ideas:
-Free speech in schools (see, all that law school talk comes in handy!).
-School suspenstion - does it work, is it overused?
-Bilingual Education - tres good

blah! all of these topics sound so boring! ugh. lame.


Anonymous said...

I have heard quite a bit of debate about how to handle the problem of bullies in schools. Maybe that is an idea.

Squishy Burrito said...

Nutrition in schools, hmmm...chicken nuggest and fries, and how it effects, or is it affects, child behaviour. I watched Supersize Me (and read the book) and he had a ton of info on it. The back of his book has all his references as well as all the contact names for the schools that implemented programs.

Apparently they did a case study on one school that they sent problem kids too and when they got healthier food, they didn't have as many recorded infractions.

Anonymous said...

I think your sister has a fairly substantial paper on a contemporary issue in education. Very erudite and well researched I'm sure. I hear that the Supreme Court is going to cite it sometime next term.

Fishfrog said...

What about school start times and how early start time have negative affects on student performance (that may or may not be true)?

Amanda G. said...

great ideas. thanks guys!

Squishy Burrito said...

what did you pick?

Amanda G. said...

I think I'm going to do the nutrition topic. There should be quite a bit of research,and it's becoming more and more prevalent as Coke and Fritoes infiltrate the schools. A lot of elementary schools have really great nutrious food now, but I don't think that's been carried over to the middle and high schools as well.