Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Ten things that bring me Joy

seeing friend after a long while and feeling like it was just yesterday
noticing how awesome the moon looks
singing in the car
my pets
playing 500
the constellation orion
the jolt of "yay!" I get when someone unexpected, but hoped for, calls


Fishfrog said...

What is missoula?

Amanda G. said...

missoula, montana. I went to college there; it's a great small town feel with liberal attitudes and lots of green friendly people.

It's a strange and wonderful place... alos, David Lynch lived there once upon a time.

Fishfrog said...

David Lynch doesn't strike me as the friendly type. The people were green?

Amanda G. said...

no, no, no... friendly to the green - the environment. The town has good daytime bus travel, is safe for bicyclists, and you can walk just about anywhere. There is a great community atmosphere that promotes respect for the enviornment. Its just awesome, and even though it's small, the college brings in musicians and has a good drama dept. to put on plays and the what not. My Missoula Plug is done.