Friday, November 25, 2005

I need to get some smaller shoes

I went to to take their quiz and found out that my ecolgical footprint is disturbingly large.

My total footprint is 15 acres, meanning if everyone lived like me we’d need 3.3 planets.
More disturbing still is that the average footprint in the US is 24 acres.

How big is your ecological footprint?

This blog post brought to you by "Earth Friendly Fridays"


Fishfrog said...

My footprint is 14 acres.

Scarlet Panda said...

Mine too.

Anonymous said...

Well, mine comes down to how big my apartment is. It's not very big, around 500 sq feet, which happens to be the border for two answers on that question. So if I say less than 500, I get a 12, if I say 500-1000, I get a 20. Pretty big difference. So anyway, somewhere between 12 and 20.