Monday, October 16, 2006

Movie Quote Game

In what movie would you find this quote:

Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.

This blog post brought to you by "Movie Mondays"


Matt said...

Evil Dead III, Army of Darkness?

Amanda G. said...

You are (once again) correct!!

Matt said...

So now that you're a video gamer, I think I can introduce a bit of videogaming slang to you.

The word is "owns" - well, that's how it's pronounced, anyway. It's meant to convey that one has complete mastery over something or someone.

For example, a particularly good player of Halo might say that he "owns" the lesser player.

It's also used frequently in the passive. So the lesser player could be said to've been "owned" by the better player.

Now, what with computer geekery being all computery and geeky, proper rules of grammar are often ignored. And as for spelling, well, it gets creative, with odd substitutions for letters. Such substitutions are often subtlely layered with ironic usage.

Which leads me to say this:

I pwnx0r Movie Mondays.

Amanda G. said...

thanks for the lingo lesson; I'll have to remember that.

Seriously, you totally own Movie Mondays - you used to have some real competition: people where are you!???!!