Monday, October 16, 2006

Clang, clang!

When I was 10, my parents bought my brother and me Nintendo for Christmas. We played Mario Brothers so much that at the end of the night, when all was quiet and dreams were beckoning me, I would hear the "clang, clang. clang clang" of collecting coins from the game. Now, nearly 20 years later I've been reintroduced to video games (see this post). Instead of the sound of coins ringing in my ears, now when I close my eyes feel as though I am rolling my katamari ball around to pick up the many things on earth. It is very unsettling, much like I image motion sickness to be. Instinct tells me these games are rotting my brain. Panda tells me they are making me smarter, however, so I'm going to continue playing them.

*yet another amusing blogger spell check example: replace "katamari" with "stammer"

1 comment:

Sweet Cactus said...

Just wait till I get my Atari out of storage in St. Louis. I'll have it ready for you when you visit in Feb. Just a little factoid, I was the dork without a Nintendo, so i had to learn at others' houses. I finally got that damn princess in 2001 (right after I bought my condo). It felt good. Very good.