Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I like to vacuum, I like to boogie

The vacuum I purchased shortly after Panda and I moved into our carpet covered apartment kicked the bucket. First the fancy tools stopped sucking up crumbs and cat hair off the couch, and very recently the actual vacuum took to laughing meniacally as I tried in vein to vacuum any speck of dirt or dust, no matter how small. I will not stand for a vacuum that does not work, so last weekend, after reading dozens of epininos and customer ratings (dozens of them!), I decided on the Bissell Lift-off. I've never had a Bissell, but the complaints that people had about it were minor (too heavey - suck it up people, it's not a riding vacuum) and Target was having a sale.

The verdict: It works wonders! I vacuumed our supposedly clean carpet and would have been disgusted by all that the new vacuum sucked up if I had been so impressed. It is awesome, and our carpet has sping to it once again. I love it! love it! love it! love it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can only say one word...ENVY!!!