Wednesday, March 22, 2006

At the end of my rope

We are currently gearing up for our biggest event all year here at work – things are very busy around the office. So why, then, am I blogging? How do I have time to do this? I’ll tell you: I am waiting… waiting for other people to get me information that I need to do the next task on my very long list of tasks. Being an impatient person, this is driving me crazy.

This week, I am waiting for volunteer lists and requests from my committee member to come in so I can finish assigning volunteer jobs to our devoted workers. I then need to make sign-in sheets, instruction cards, mail out specific information about the day, etc. So, do I have volunteer lists? No. Do I have volunteer requests? No. I have sent reminder e-mails, left voice messages, and sent more reminder e-mails and still I wait. Do you know when this information was due to me? The end of February. Yes, that is correct – a month ago! How can people be so inconsiderate? Short of driving to their homes/offices and demanding the information I need at knife-point, I do not know what to do! I am so frustrated!

Although I know it will all come together (it always does), I need to have all this set so I can move on to one of the other umpteen million things we have to do to get ready for this event.

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