Monday, December 12, 2005

Six Degrees of Separation

You all know the drill, and if you don't just go to this post for a review of the rules. Rule clarification: please only use actors (not producing, writing, or directing credits)

The one to connect in the fewest turns the fastest will win a small box of crayons. The game ends on Thursday, December 15, 2005.

Connect these actors: Gene Hackman and Susan Sarandon

This blog post brought to you by "Movie Mondays"


Squishy Burrito said...

Susan Sarandon was in Stepmom with Julia Roberts.

Julia Roberts was in The Mexican with Gene Hackman.

No cheating.

Amanda G. said...

ohh..that's going to be tough to beat!

Amanda G. said...

And I guess no on could! Congrats Squishy! A small box of crayons awaits you when you return!

Fishfrog said...

I got it in one step the other day, but I cheated. Congrats to Squishy for an honest win.