Monday, December 19, 2005

My trip to the eye doctor

Let's start with the good news. I went to my eye doctor today, and apparently my eyes have gotten a little better!! Who-hoo! This happend to my dad recently, and he no longer has to wear contacts at all (he also does not have to wear reading glasses as so many older people do). So, this news was good, and I can only hope that my eyes continue on their self-correcting course until I no longer have to wear glasses.

Now for the not so good news.... "does your family have a history of glaucoma?" my doctor asked. Well, my dad was just told to get tested for it. "Ahh, yes, your dad is a patient of mine..." So, he wants me to come back in to get my eyes dialted and run some "tests" so we can keep an eye on things (no pun intended). Apparently, my "pressure" is in the high range of normal, still normal, but something of which to keep track. He says I should not worry becuase I do not have glaucoma and hopefully will not get glaucoma. Still, I can't help but worry a little bit - it's moments like these I'm glad Panda inhearted most of the crazed worry-wart genes while I got the laid back devil-may-care set of genes.

So, my eyes are both getting better and getting worse at the same time. Fantastic!

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