Wednesday, December 14, 2005

It just irks me, plain and simple

Normally I used Wordy Wednesdays to highlight words I think are cool or idioms that I enjoy using. Today, I want to bring your attention to a word I hate.

Matriculate – to enroll as a member of a body and especially of a college or university

This word is over used and I don’t think half the people who used it even know what it means. Last night, I was at a school board meeting and the superintendent used this word 5 times in a 2 minute span of time. Ugh. It is like nails on a chalkboard. Stop using this word! You do not sound cool!

I dare you to use this word in a sentence and not sound like an idiot trying to sound like someone intelligent; it cannot be done. This word is a blight on the English Language.
This blog post brought to you by "Wordy Wednesdays"

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