Thursday, December 08, 2005

Philosophy of Special Agent Dale Cooper

"Harry, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it, don't wait for it, just… let it happen."

This blog post brought to by "Thoughtful Thursdays"


Fishfrog said...

Who is Dale Cooper?

Matt said...

He stole a bunch of money and the parachuted out of a plane in the pacific northwest, never to be found again.

Amanda G. said...

oh fishfrog, you poor unknowing fool.

Nell said...

I bought myself a present today... very satisfying.

juanitagf said...

Actually, parachute guy was DB Cooper. Dale Cooper was a character on the TV show "Twin Peaks."

Amanda G. said...

Oh, the parachute guy is real? I thought Matt was joking.

I feel a Twin Peaks post in the future. My calling is to teach, and so teach I must.

Matt said...

Well, it's a half-joke. The notion that Dale Cooper (and in my mind right now I have the image of a squat bald guy in uniform saying, "Cooper, Cooper") could be DB Cooper was one of the things chatted up at the time the show was on. I think it's either a coincidence or a wink-nod kind of joke.