Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Six Degrees of Separations - TV Style

Connect these two actors in Six Degrees or less using TV shows only!

Bruce Campbell and Kirstie Alley

Be the first to connnect these actors in the shortest number of steps by Thursday at 10 a.m.

This blog post brought to you by "TV Tuesdays"


Matt said...

television is for suckaz.

Amanda G. said...

the words of someone who can't meet my challenge....

Anonymous said...

Despite my love for Bruce Campbell, the only movies/shows I can think of without cheating are Army of Darkness and that totally awesome and hilarious western sitcom he was in. Unfortunately, I can name exactly 0 other actors who were in those phonorecords.

Also, Kirstie Alley sucks.

Amanda G. said...

Bruce Campbell has been in other shows...one in particular that has lots of possiblites.

Kirstie Alley may suck, but she's been in a couple of sitcoms.

okay, how about this - you can go through movies, but you must go through at least one TV show!

Amanda G. said...

Reminder: you get one free look-up. Use it wisely...