Monday, November 06, 2006

Pinwheel, Pinwheel...

Some of you may remember the show Pinwheel from Nickelodean. My memories of this show are few; I mostly remember the theme song and that the show seemed to go on FOREVER with out end. I would get so mad when each new episode started up (for some reason Nick played the show all morning long!).

I also remember a few of the characters such as Herbert and Lulu (two bugs that would drop down and talk to someone through a window), and Admiral Bird. My strongest memory, after the theme song, is of all these different sized and shaped boxes and that when someone (I don't know his name) would open the boxes he would hear sounds.

Anyway, here is a YouTube clip of the opening credits. Below you will find the lyrics in case you want to sing along. Even though this was far from my favorite show as a child, I still have a soft spot for it & the song.

Pinwheel, pinwheel, spinning around. Look at my Pinwheel and see what I've found.
Pinwheel, pinwheel, where have you been? Hello, how are you, and may I come in?
Pinwheel, pinwheel spinning around. Look at my Pinwheel and see what I found.
Pinwheel, pinwheel, breezy and bright. Spin me good morning, spin me good night.

Theme song music by Jay Lee, lyrics by Janet Gardner

This blog post brought to you by "TV Tuesdays: Early Edition"


J.M. said...

I remember this show well, it ran for 5-6 hours every weekday. My funny favorite was when Plus and Minus had their games of "Gotcha Last" I remember one episode that took place at night in their bedroom that was my all time favorite. Minus had gotten a new alarm clock from Ebeneezer T Squint. The pronblem was that it had a mind of it's own and the alarm went off at it's own will, waking everyone in Pinwheel house.
One of the alarms was the West Minster Chime that was often heard in a clock in NYC. I loved it.

J.M. said...

I also rememnber the cartoon shorts they showed and here are my favorites, although I don't know the name of some of them, and a little help would be appreciated to see them again.

Charlie and his climbing tree
Hattytown Tales
The cuckoo clock that won't cuckoo
A cartoon about a pencil and eraser
The Mole
How Cuckoo Clocks are made
An Elephant and a black splot

J.M. said...

One character that brought about memories was Magic Coco the mime. There was a clip or two that brought about my intereest as I thought it was sexy. Well not love sexy, but enought to get your attention to her. She was wearing black tights and then got dressed in fast motion for the wrong activity,(going to the beach and she wore winter clothes) and then had to take her clothes off and put on the right clothes.

J.M. said...

There were more cartoons that caught my attention, but I'm not sure of the titles.

One was an animated poem narrated by a woman that was all about colors as she asked. "What is White?"

There was another one that involved a boy and a girl that chased after a bell. They were both made out of string, as well as the background scenery. There was some kind of flower that rang like a bell, and upon them fighting over it, a gust of wind blew it away and they had to chase after it.

There was anouther one that was themed like it was sewn with cutouts with a fabric backround. It involved a man trying to tame a bull as he said "Ol'e"

I also remember the Bunny with the Checkered Ears. That fat kid always was a bully to everyone.