Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Class

You may have seen the new show on CBS called The Class. All the characters were in the 3rd grade together, but for the most part had grown up never to see each other again. That is until the pilot, when one member of the class (who was dating another) threw a 20 year 3rd grade reunion of sorts. At the party he got dumped, and as you can expect, hilarity ensued. I admit that the show is not that good, but I like it. I think it has potential once they get rid of, or tone down, some of the over the top characters.

There are not enough enjoyable sitcoms out there. Everything is drama, drama, procedural drama, and more drama. Great sitcoms like the Office, My Name is Earl, and Scrubs are too far and few between. While The Class is no Scrubs, or even How I Met Your Mother (yes, I said "How I Met Your Mother" – it's actually very funny) the thing is, I am completelytickledd by this show. I hope it stays on the air long enough to find its stride and work out its kinks.
This blog post brought to you by "TV Tuesdays"


Scarlet Panda said...

This show has ridiculous characters. The writing is predictable and dumb. For some reason, however, I feel compelled to watch it.

Fortunately, I am absolutely certain that it will be cancelled after one or two more episodes, thus saving me from my compulsion.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you - I thought The Class had great potential. I'm also happy that they paired it up with "Mother," which is almost pure comic genius by the virtue of its casting alone.