Sunday, April 02, 2006

If you are going to provide service

then provide it!

In the basement of our building we have a coin machine. This comes in handy for doing laundry. Or, more accurately it would if the machine was ever full of change. Tonight I am trying to do laundry - the whole sha-bang: clothes, bedcothes, rugs, etc. An endeaver this ambitious takes many many quarters. So, I make sure I have plenty of ones and fives and I haul my laundry basket down to the basement. I put in a five and quarters spill into the coincup. I feel as though I've won at the slots. I then put in my one - nothing. The machine takes my money and spits it out. I try another. Same result. I guess I should be happy for the $5 in quarters it gave me, and if this was the only time it'd happend I just think "bad luck for me today," but the machine is constantly out of quarters. The apartment building charges 1.75 (in quarters) for their laundry and has a coin machine, so I must assume they realize their tenants need quarters. Why - why! do they not keep it full? It is so frustrating!

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