Wednesday, August 30, 2006

10 Radom things in my office

  1. a "stress ball" in the shape of a green car from progressive
  2. a picture of tadpole
  3. a twin peaks pin
  4. a key chain with tinkert toys attached
  5. a magic eight ball
  6. a wolves calendar
  7. a fortune cookie that says, "sing badly, if you must, but sing"
  8. a bottle of cream soda
  9. a signed napkin from Chrarlie Webber (Ben from Buffy)
  10. a nun-chukka bean trading card

nun-chukka bean


Fishfrog said...

I'm not really clear as to what number 10 is.

Amanda G. said...

a nun-chukka bean is one of the beanz from "Mighty Beanz." Our Postive Attitude Committee at work gave everyone a beanz trading card for some team-work thing. I got the nun-chukka bean because I kick ass.

I've provided a link and picture of the beanz to further illustrate the answer to your question.