Friday, October 28, 2005

Ghost or Creepy Imaginary Friend- you make the call

Halloween for me is more than just one day a year. I love the turning leaves, the pumpkins, and cute black cats and witches. My celebrations started last Saturday when I hung out with my friend Frog and her daughter Tadpole. We went to a Halloween celebration on her mainstreet and Tadpole got to go trick-or-treating in her cute litte princess outfit. The night was suppossed to end with Tadpole going to bed and Frog and I carving pumpkins while watching scary movies. Well, Tadpole had other ideas, and ended up freaking me out more than any stupid movie could hope to do.

I was sitting on one end of the couch, and Tadpole was standing facing the other end when she got this weird look on her face and started to wave. She waved at what? Nothing that I could see. Then she mentioned a "man" (she is 2 1/2 and sometimes hard to understand). I mentioned this to Frog and she told me that Tadpole has been talking about this "man" more and more. Frog will find Tadpole talking to her baby doll saying "it's okay, it's okay." When asked what's wrong with baby doll Tadpole replies, "The man scared her." Frog says conversations like this have been becoming more regular. Frog informed me that usually the "man" is in Tadpole's room, so when she asked me if I wanted to go in her room, I said, "No, Tadpole, I do not want to go in your room." Child freaked me out!

Now, I realize in and of itself this is not much to blog about, or to be freaked out about, but there is more. Oh yes, there is more. First, some backround. Even when Tadpole was very young, she would wake up in the middle of the night with nightmares about a scarey man. Another night, Frog was sitting in her living room and saw the shadow of a man, she thought someone was on her porch, so she entered her bedroom to tell Mr. Frog and the shadow followed her into her room and then vanished! No, it was not Frog's own shadow - I asked. Something seems to be going on.

Let's get back to this past weekend. The next day, Tadpole was eating her lunch and she got this "weird" look on her face. This is what transpired:

Frog: Tadpole- what are you looking at?
Tadpole: The Man
Frog: No, Manda when home yesterday (Tadpole calls me "mana")
Tadpole: Not Mana, The MAN (getting a little upset)
Frog: T-man? (their cat). He's in the other room.
Tadpole: NO! THE MAN (really upset now).
Now, Frog did not want to encourage this or put ideas in Tadpole's head, but she was curious to figure out what Tadpole was talking about.

Frog: Does the man talk to you?
Tadpole: No
Frog: Is he nice?
Tadpole: Yeah
Frog: Does he talk to you?
Tadpole: No
Frog: Where is he now?
Tadpole: Behind you.

Creepy! So, Frog told Tadpole to tell the Man it's okay and he should go to heaven. That is exactly what she did. I have not heard if the Man has made anymore appearences, but I will keep you posted.

Happy Halloween!


Fishfrog said...

Creepy. Though I still don't believe in ghosts.

Scarlet Panda said...

I go with option 3: Tadpole neither imagines nor sees anyone. She is faking it just to mess with you.

Amanda G. said...

Just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it isn't there...

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to those cynics Warm Fuzzy, their small minds can't comprehend the true nature of the universe. I would be creeped out too.
Teddo and Panda, a parachute works better when open. Remember that.