Friday, October 28, 2005

Happy Birthday to the Arch!

Our beautiful Gateway Arch turns 40 today. The arch is the tallest monument in the US at an impressive height of 630 feet. If you haven't had the chance to go to the top, I highly suggest your getting off your duff and doing so. If you are feeling too clausterphobic to ride the small elevator, you might go outside on the grass and lay underneath the swaying Arch - it's a pretty cool sight to behold.

You should also take a peek at the museum inside the bottom of the arch-- it is jam packed of historical insight to the Lewis & Clark Expedition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I agree that the arch itself is as mighty as the mississip, I must disagree about the museum at its base. I found the presentation to be far too dense, specifically concerning text panels, and there is no clear narrative line. I do suggest, however, playing with the toys in the gift shop, this is very entertaining and you don't have to read if you don't want to.