Thursday, August 23, 2007

lucy and the dogs

Lucy and I have moved into our new digs, and all in all we like it. But...Lucy met the dogs today, and let me tell ya, it did not go over well. Sounds of hissing and growling could be heard throughout the land, and much blood was shed. Well, only my blood, but still. The problem was simple: the puppy is huge and wanted to play with Lucy. Lucy was completely freaked out. She did well once we were both on the couch and I could shoo away the dogs, so I am hoping she grows to deal with them as it is much nicer for me to enjoy the amenities of the main floor without worrying that I am neglecting my kitty upstairs.

The picture of the mountain goat is just for your enjoyment; there are no mountain goats in my house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"there are no mountain goats in my house."
man, am i glad for that!