Friday, February 02, 2007

Friday Five!!

1. What is your favorite kind of cake?
2. Dogs or Cats?
3. Romantic Comedy or Drama?
4. Do you like monkeys?
5. Name the last movie you saw?


Fishfrog said...

1. Confetti Cake
2. I like both dog and cats (and rabbits) equally
3. Romantic Comedy, of course!
4. Monkeys are cool and cute
5. Seabiscuit

Scarlet Panda said...

1. Simple chocolate cake (of the sort you might get from a mix or a supermarket bakery) with a very small amount of not-too-sweet white icing.

2. Cats, I guess. Dogs are fine unless they jump and slobber.

3. Drama.

4. Fake monkeys are cute; real monkeys are smelly.

5. The Holiday.

Amanda G. said...

1. confetti
2. Dogs
3. Romantic Comedy
4. Yes, but from a distance
5. Shattered Glass

Squishy Burrito said...

1. Chocolate (not too much icing)
2. Dogs (allergic to cats)
3. Romantic Comedy (I'ma sucker)
4. Hmm...
5. Star Wars II (but actually saw all the way through paying attention to everything Harry Potter IV)

Matt said...

1. Chocolate w/chocolate icing.
2. Cats.
3. Comedy, I guess. Or bittersweet comedy with poignancy.
4. Sure.
5. The Last King of Scotland.