Saturday, December 28, 2013

what's in store for 2014?

I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, and even more rarely do I follow them, but this year I'm going to try!

2013 brought with it a lot of stress, due mostly to over-extending myself, which in turn meant I gave my pets less attention than they deserved, spent more money, ate out (and unhealthily) more, and generally ran myself ragged, all while feeling guilty for not spending enough time with friends and family.

Of course, I did some awesome things, too: I trained for my 1/2 marathon, saw more plays, and made a point of seeing some of my old friends more often.

But, balance is key, and balance is something I did not have in 2013, so my resolution for 2014 is to achieve more balance in my life. 

Some ways I hope to do to achieve this balance include:

  • staying home during the week more, so I can eat at home, play with pets, do my shit, & keep my house/clothes clean.
  • say no to invitations sometimes (and not feel guilty about it), so I can actually enjoy the invitations I say YES to!
  • Climb often & keep running :)

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