Tuesday, December 30, 2008

this i know for sure...

If someone is watching a t.v. show on the "play all" option, there is no need for a "previously on.." Who do they have designing these things, anyway?


Anonymous said...

agreed. they also need to take out the the opening sequence and credits for each show. all 4 seasons pf Samurai Jack play the ENTIRE EPISODE (opening + credits) and you can't skip past them on the first 2 or 3!!! so annoying.

btw, 4 blogs in 1 day!?! something tells me you've been really bored today.

Scarlet Panda said...

My fantasy job is to be a tester for tv on dvd sets. I could do so much to improve their products.

arfanser said...

we just got Pushing Daisies season one (a fantastic show by the way) and it has a feature that allows you to turn off the recap.

Anonymous said...

i hate watching the introduction. i know the theme song to the golden girls. i don't need to hear the same thing for all seven seasons. I'm almost at the end, i'm on the final season now. amy