Tuesday, December 30, 2008

starting the day off right

I've decided to start drinking V8 juice. I hate it. I love tomatoes, but I've always hated tomato soup and V8, but it is so darn good for you! Last night I went to the store and I bought spicy V8; it does add some kick to it and so far I've managed to get down a glass with my morning vitamins. V8 will not best me! I will drink the whole bottle!

In related news: I have accepted that cranberry juice is not something I can introduce into my diet. Kidney's be damned.


Anonymous said...

you don't like cranberry juice?! cranberry juice be good, yo! also, i know V8 is packed with vitamins and shit, but you could also, ya know, eat tomatoes and other fresh fruits and veggies instead and just drink water. try it, you might like it.

Amanda G. said...

I do eat lots of tomatoes and other fresh fruits and veggies.

Nell said...

Be sure to get the low sodium V8 if you really want it to be healthy.

I like cranberry juice okay but it makes my stomach hurt, so I don't drink it either. Same with hot chocolate.

Amanda G. said...

yeah, it's low sodium. I looked at some of the V8 Splash juices, but they all have high fructose corn syrup. Lame.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i totally drank V8 splash for a while thinking that it tasted good and was healthy, but then i read the ingredients. what crap! food manufacturers need to be more accountable for their product labels and advertisements! today i bought a frozen pot pie that had some thing on the box about eating healthy and the food pyramid which sort of implied that it supplied essential vitamins and whatnot. errrr! WRONG! it supplied a bunch of fat and chemicals though. i am totally going to make the transition to raw foods this year (http://www.rawfor30days.com) [okay, rambling over] anyway, i was kind of wondering if regular V8 also had HFC, but i guess not?

Amanda G. said...

nope. it doesn't. :) High Fructose corn syrup is in practically everything though. It's insane!