Tuesday, September 16, 2008

stop concussing...it's not very ladylike

Last week I bounced off my friend's trampoline. Apparently, I fell and smacked my head on the concrete. I say "apparently" because I still have no memory of the events between, "I wonder how I high I can jump!" and "Fuzzy, this is the third time we've had this conversation. You bounced off my trampoline and hit your head on the concrete. Hard."

I seem to be fine now, but my head still hurts to touch, and I was pretty darn concussed there for a while. It was scary. I think the look of sheer terror on my friend's face scared me enough to knock me back to reality. Unfortunately, that's also when the nausea and pain registered. I must have looked like hell, even the next day, because my kids were SUPER nice to me all day Friday.

I imagine this is how it all went down:

Fortunately, no permanent damage seems to have been done; I'm not even afraid of trampolines because of it (weary, maybe, but not afraid). I just need a net, that's all.

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