Tuesday, September 16, 2008

can orthopedic shoes be stylish?

Nurse Ratchett thought so. I just bought two pairs of shoes, and to look at them you would think they binded (bounded?) feet - they are that stylish, but I'll be damned, they are so well cushioned my grandma would wear them.

Other ramblings...

* Intrinsic rewards are for hippies. I'm moving to external rewards to keep my two hell hours on track. I had to give them the "respect" speech today. Not a good day.

*I had a craving for hostess cupcakes. Normally this craving is followed by buying said cupcakes, eating them, and finally, by regret and an upset stomach. Today, however, the "light" box caught my eye, and I took a chance. I'm pretty happy with the results. The light cupcakes are not nearly as sickening as the regular kind.

* One of my friends used to freeze her hostess cupcakes - who was it??? Anyway, I've followed her lead and tomorrow will have me a frozen treat!

*Running through my head today, "Word to your mops." It's for when you want to give a shout out to both your mom and your pops.

*I am in love with this weather!! It is perfect fall weather. Yesterday I would have given anything for a bonfire. Only the smell of fire smoking could have made the day better.

*I used to have spell-check on my google tool bar. What happened to it?

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