Thursday, July 19, 2007

word of the week!

We had some good words this week! Thanks to everyone who submitted a word or two. Normally I delve into the provenance of words, but as I am using a computer at the local coffee shop, and there are other patrons waiting to use the computer, I wasn't able to do that. Still, I think I have enough information to pick the best word out of the bunch!

The words:

  • celerity (n) rapidity of motion or action
  • exanimate (adj) lacking animation; being or appearing lifeless
  • fulminate (v) to utter or send out with denunciation; to send forth censures or invectives
    (n) an often explosive salt (as mercury fulminate) containing the group −CNO
  • idiopathic (adj) arising spontaneously or from an obscure or unknown cause; peculiar to the individual
  • librate (v) determine the weight of; vibrate before coming to a total rest
  • patulous (adj) spreading widely from a center
  • scholium (n) a marginal annotation or comment (as on the text of a classic by an early grammarian); a remark or observation subjoined but not essential to a demonstration or a train of reasoning
  • solipsism (n) a theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing; also : extreme egocentrism
And the word of the week is:

This blog post brought to you by a bleated Wordy Wednesday and Merriam Webster online.

1 comment:

Nell said...

YAY!!! Thank you, thank you...