Wednesday, December 05, 2007

drivers v. pedestrians

I lunched in the Loop today. In order to get to the resturant from my parking spot I had to cross the street, and so I used the handy-dandy crosswalk. Now, although it is my right-of-way, I did not jet into oncoming traffic, but instead edged my wait out and waited for a driver to acknowledge that I had the right-of-way and stop for me. After about 5 cars someone did. When I was about half-way across the street someone honked at me. Honked at me! I hate people who don't respect the cross-walk.


Anonymous said...

did you have a "walk" signal? because while pedestrians do always have the right of way, they should not really be in the street unless they have a walk signal (if there is one) at the crosswalk. that is what is frustrating about driving through the loop... too many retarded pedestrians! and most of the crosswalks in the loop do have signals, or were you at one of those rare few that don't?

Amanda G. said...

no, there was no walk sign because I was at the actual cross walk by the Tivoli.

If you are at a street light, pedestrians have to wait just like cars, and if there is no crosswalk pedestrians should not cross.

At a CROSS WALK, however, cars MUST stop for pedestrians.

Sweet Cactus said...

dude. you should have just stopped and stood in the middle of the road when the car honked at you. what a jerk!